Sharon's Back!
Then on Saturdya I had a great breakfast with Jo and later caught up with Tam. Tam, my best mate here, is oing on holiday for the next 3 months (damn him!) to Australia and so on. We are therefore having lots of 'see ya' events such as drinks tomorrow night.
Sunday Sharon arrived back from Canada - after a very long 2 weeks. I met her at the airport, and managed to get us on the wrong (tough only slightly) train back to London. But we got home OK and ended up watching a few videos and going for a walk around the park.
Monday we went along to the Notting Hill Carnival and had a good, if a little crowded and hot, time there. I had Goat curry for lunch, which was VERY yummy, though also VERY greasy. We came across a Capoeira troupe of course (not mine) and they invited me in to play. I went up against a yellow belt (remember I don't have one yet) and within a few moments their mestre had bought into the game with a (very rude) surprise kick! I don't know what I did to get on his ire like that. Anyway, he also tried to trip me up, and I just managed to not land on my arse (and then I pushed him over, not very elegent but it worked :)
Then we went to see Crash, which got me quite angry because of its portrayal of everyone being a complete arsehole. I know I'm a WASP and have been sheilded from complete arseholes (and spell checkers) but I just don't believe it. I also don't see the point in making a film like that. Sharon really liked it - it was certainly powerful and emotional (if you could sympathise with any of the charactesr, which I couldn't because they were all arseholes - did I mention that all the characters where arseholes?)
Finally tonight I went to see Electric Eel Shock, who rock and who were supporting The Dwarves. The Dwarves are a hard core punk band (bassist from Offspring and some other people as well) who get off on being 'out there' 'on the edge' and having one memeber who is naked. Ho hum. When they say hardcore, they don't mean Slayer, they just mean fast and noisy. I probably could have enjoyed them if I hadn't used all my energy on EES, but they just didn't capture me. They didn't even do an encore.