Thursday, August 11, 2005


Here is an article which reports on an excellent 7 minutes of speech that the Mayor of London (Ken Livingston) gave to a reporter about the suicide bombers in London. Sums up my perspective very well.
And the other complication? I am off to Krav Maga on Saturday. It is an 'effective' martial art, to balance the 'beautiful' one I am doing already. It is also the fighting technique used by the Israeli army. Am I tacitly endorsing the Israeli army by doing so?
Well I haven't decided that I am going to do it yet, and they may be a bunch of arseholes, so I might not have to deal with this quandry at all. But am I being overly sensitive? Overly insensitive by writing this in my blog?


Blogger M said...

Ah, but both UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and (ex)General Peter Cosgrove have come out this week suggesting that the foreign presence in Iraq is causing most of the current unrest... gee whiz.

12:07 AM  

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