Monday, August 15, 2005

And then there's Krav Maga

Going along on Saturday has only further complicated this quandry
  • It does seem to be entirely focused on effectiveness (it's damn brutal!), which is what I would be looking for in an additional art form
  • Jo, the instructor, is really cool and very funny
  • Doesn't seem to be particularly focused on competition, just effective training in the techniques
  • It costs a lot (£50 for 1 class a week for a onth, £60 for unlimited!) not to mention boxes and padding and gloves etc
  • Requires time - which I could be spending with Sharon
  • Hurts :) cos you hit each other pretty hard
  • My previous qualms
Wadda Ya think?


Blogger M said...

here, here, let father M help.... :-)

1. money. at 50P a month, that's about 12.50 per class. take whatever you earn an hour. double it - that's the value of your non-work time. now add 12.50. are you getting that much fun?

2. could ask Sharon to do it with you...

3. except for the pain. now although i get quite aggro at times, i don't enjoy pain, so.... try to avoid being hit. :-p

4. as for the 'greater good'... well if Israel pull out of the West Bank and Gaza, maybe you can do their martial art?? Then again, we don't want to chuck out genetics research just cuz Hitler was a psychopath.. or avoid trains because of Mussolini, or electricity networks because of Stalin. (or free market economics because certain high ranking figures in the West are complete @$$holes?)

hope it helped.

3:40 AM  

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