Friday, September 23, 2005

Fastest band in the world?

Last night I went to see DragonForce, a metal band who play fast, really fast. In fact the main reason I went to see them was to deterimine if they could keep up with the frenetic pace of their album.
Amazingly they can. I feel sorry for the drummer. The are all great show offs and their two lead guitarists (yes, two) love to dual and make faces and play with their hands upside down. There is no rhythm guitarist.
What else? Sharon and I are going well, we had a hiccup last week when I made a boo boo that really pissed her off... but I apologised and eventually we made up.
I am off to the States this Friday (ie 1 week) to see Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Colorado river. I thought I might get my hair cut there as well, as I am looking a little too David Hasselhoff like. The main reason I am going is to go to the RubyConf which is a big nerd fest, hopefully I might get some contacts or something...
This weekend I am going to John from work's house warming, to help Damita move house, to see Anne and Keith and tonight to throw dinner with Sharon for our mutual friends Matt and Jenny.
Gotta Go!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Who said that bush hasn't helped?

For more photos, this time of my friends and I, check this out

Misfit(s) come through

Went to see the Misfits on Monday. The support band was a pile of poo (October File) and everyone hated them and wanted them to get off.
Then the Misfits came on, and there was only one left - the bass playing brother. He proceeded to sing the songs, badly, and I was very disappointed. After about 6 songs (you know, some 8 minutes) his voice warmed up and the place went off - really enjoyable time.
I even got dripped on by sweat from the roof! (Yes I am now sick)