Saturday, July 31, 2004

Plans and Decisions

I have decided not to.

Make decisions that is :)

My plans so far consist of a) going to the Globe on the 18th with Jo, and catching up with Jenn around then too. b) Going to Paris for the first weekend of September. Maybe trying to get to Sweden sometime in there too. c) Finding a job

I have decided to NOT do decide on anything else until I have to. I may travel EU, I might ride around South America, I might teach english in Japan. But I won't make up my mind what until I have to, cos otherwise I am backing myself into a hole. (I am not very good at changing my mind)

PARTY : My 30th

(Does this go here or in my other blog?)

Had a great 30th party last night, nearly everyone I invited turned up - the uni friends, the impro friends and my best friends.

Fantastic food, Dad cooked 2 great vegetarian curries and made sure the whole night went well, I added my own lamb curry and Tortillas.

We just all chatted away (in the cold on the back verandah). As people left I walked them to their cars and saw them off, bon voyage style if you will.

Most surprising turn up : Rob (sorry for calling you Jeff - again!)

Most fortuitous turn up : Brad and Troy walked in just as the party was starting to cool with so much energy that we all took off again.

Anyhoo, thanks for coming everybody, and I'll see you in who knows how long!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2004


My holiday plans have been something like the following
a) go to england, have 90th birthday with Gma, catch up with Jenn and Jo
b) work for 3 months
c) tour EU on my bike, catching up with Yalin in Turkey before he leaves in January
d) head over to Brazil to be there by March to try and catch up with Alessandra (probably via Japan)
e) tour South America on bike that I warmed up touring the EU.
Which is all well and good, except that the EU is in the middle of winter when I want to tour it on my bike!! not very pleasent in a car, downright dangerous on a bike.
So do I go straight to SA? but then I have to come back to the EU to tour there. And how do I time meeting up with Alessandra. Or Yalin. Or Mum and Dad who look like they are going to head over themesleves shortly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Grrr - just made a post that my webrowser stuffed up

so now you won't have the joy of reading it.
I was going to add that I met a great faimly on the weekend - Karen, Rob, Jerome, Robin and Maraena. They are dutch friends of ours and add to my list of people to catch up with
a) Karin in Sweden
b) Karen in Holland
c) Jo and Jenn in London
d) Yalin in Turkey
e) Alessandra in Brazil
And it looks like Mum and Dad will be holidaying in europe too. It would be good to catch them at some point.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Welcome to my holiday

Ok, thought I'd separate the chaff from the dross (or something like thtat) and make posts about my holiday here - a holiday diary if you will. You can still go to for everything else (movies, programming etc)