Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Interesting TV series recommended by Orson Scott Card

OSC whinges about the crap called StarTrek and celebrates its demise in this article. He also suggests two series that are actually good (as well as pointing out that @Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Being John Malkovich" are sci-fi's)
* FireFly
* Lost
OK, I can't do hyperlinks in safari - that's sucks!


Blogger M said...

well well well.
So OSC thinks 'Lost' is good? I *tried * to watch it, really I did. My problem is that the writers even don't know what's happenning next week, so there really isn't much in development. And the characters are crap boring. sorry.

Pity, as I like the one OSC book that I do own....

I would have thought that "BJM" was more fantasy than sci-fi. going by wazzisname's definition anyway.

Sorry, just thought I'd butt in on your blogs instead of writing my own. I suppose that makes me a blog-parasite or "bloggasite"..

5:59 PM  

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