Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Moulin Rouge

Wow. I would have never even thought to go along to this show, but Jo mentioned it so we did.
Started at 11 at night, and we were supposed to check in at 10:30 - which meant that we were in the first 50 of the 600+ guests to be seated. It also meant that we stood for an age waiting in line as the first show of the evening ran over time.
We were seated by very professional waiters who spoke every bloddy language there is :) and given our bottle of champagne.
And then the show started. It consisted of 4 major dance acts, interspersed with 3 variety acts. The dance acts each had a large number of 'scenes' and of course each scene required all the dancers to change their costumes a few times...
The variety acts were an acrobatics display (in which the acrobats mucked up one particular trick 3 times before getting it right - on purpose or no? You can't know - which is why I loved it - you _know_ that the trick is hard if they get it wrong...), and acrobalance act (with the most attractive girl in the show) and finally a ventriloquest (who we all dreaded until he brought out a live dog that started to talk! must have had a mask on).
The dances were amazing, and short and varied enough to even keep my attention for the whole time. And the sets changed constantly and enormously - at one point a clear perspex pool rose out of the floor so a girl could go and swim with boa constrictors!!!
Was it erotic? No. Not with almost 50% of the audience female, it never was going to be.
Was it fun? Absolutly. Definitely go if you get the chance. It doesn't even cost _that_ much


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