Friday, August 13, 2004

Getting a motorbike

So I thought I'd get myself a motorbike. That way I can go do sightseeing stuff at my leisure, and look cool wearing all the stuff.
So I started looking into it, and the first thing I found was that - to get a bike you need third party insurance, but to get TPI you need to get a bike. This is quite a conundrum, until I struck on the idea of pretending I had the bike I wanted before actually getting it.
Then I had to ring around and convince the insurers that a guy from NZ with only 1 years worth of licence is an adequet risk... 2 days and £250 later and I finally have insurance for a CB TwoFifty yeah!!!
So I ring up the place where the bike I have found is and low and behold the guy has to service it before selling it to me. Great, I thought when he said that he was implying that he'd already done it, but no he has yet to do it.
So no bike until Next Week
BTW a CBTwoFifty is only a 234cc bike, but it does go 80mph and about 70mpg. This is _just_ good enough for me (actually the mileage is pretty good...), and is costing £895
I have also bought all my gear for £350 - including a really good jacket, yellow helmet and cheap everything else :)
And I got all my gear


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