Wednesday, August 18, 2004

a few more details

Bused down on Sunday, which ended up being quicker that the train because there was very little traffic. Caught up with Jo (where I am staying) and we chatted until after 12 that night (7 hours later....)
Monday I picked up my bank account which ended up being really easy, thank god, and then went and checked out the big toy store on Regent street, and then all the book sho[s on Charing Cross - none of which had the motorcycle books I want. Afterwards went to the Astoria with Jo for the Blood hound gang (preceeded by the Electric Ell Shock who rocked!!!)
Tuesday I bought some shoes in the morning and then, after stubbornly refusing to go on a particular tour bus, walked half an hour before finally getting on said tour bus. Went around and saw lots (even though the battery in my camera died) before getting off at the Natural History Museum which also rocks :).
Then last night went to a puub in Camden Town with Jo to saygoodbye to Karen with Jenny, Virginia and Sam.
This morningn I fisnished the bus trip with battery and film, and then had lunch with Jenn which was great- she had a great time in the US and is spending all her time here catching up with people before heading off to Namibia.
And now I'm here.


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