Wednesday, August 04, 2004

25 Hours later...

...and I've arrived in Birmingham. Total travel time from my place in Brisbane to Grandmas - 29 hours. Mum managed to sleep quite a bit, and I got in a bit but not too much.
Our saving grace is that we forced ourselves to stay up until 10pm last night, getting us immediately into the flow of the day here. So apart from feeling a little tired, I am coping quite well.
The temperature is OK, incredibly muggy (I don't remember it being this bad in Brisbane, but I guess you have a gradual build up to that). I am sitting here in a muscle shirt typing away.
Caught up with Jan and Adam last night, am at their place now typing this. It was good to see them, Jan is working vbery hard at the moment while Adam is on holidays!!
Finally, I am trying to get my Right of Abode transferred over to my passport so I can work here - but it looks like it might be a little hairy because my passport is for Tiest Vilee, while my right of abode is for Maarten Kenneth Dan'kano Vile!!!
We'll work it out, I just hope it doesn't take too long...


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