Found Jeremy Gates
(And Wendy, but that is a 'refind') He's got his name up on and, while his biog doesn't give a very useful email (which I've removed for privacy reasons) I have a much better chance of catching up with him than I did say 3 hours ago :)
Here is his biog, very Jerm.
Now I just have to find Dan Goodwin and Rebecca (Bobbie) McKinniery
Here is his biog, very Jerm.
Wendy is in England (which I knew) and gave a decent email address, so I will see if we can catch up. She'll be 28! (as will Jerm)
After leaving school I traded in my self respect for an identity as a Dolphin hugging hippy (having already had a string of highly unsuccessful relationships with trees).
When I finally ran out of mushrooms and came back to reality, I was in an Ezbekistani concentration camp, where I was trained to concentrate - A LOT!!! (its also where most of the world's concentrated orange juice comes from). After using an old Jedi mind trick to convince the guards that my pet Ostrich was actually me (sadly pets do come to look more like their masters the more you sleep with them)- I thumbed a ride onto a Vogon spaceship that was just about to destroy the earth. Luckily for all you guys (not that I've ever had a scrap of thanks mind you) I was able to batter them senseless with some of my poetry, thus proving the scientific formula [ignorance of your unattractiveness]+ [conviction of your own intelligence]+[absentminded brutality]= Victory!!!!
I won a nobel prize for that one... but nobody came to the ceremony.
Am now studying Film and TV production through Griffith Film School & QCA and basically having a blast.
Now I just have to find Dan Goodwin and Rebecca (Bobbie) McKinniery
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