Friday, January 07, 2005

I'm Back!!

And no I didn't go overseas :) I have been holed up at home since Monday morning sick as a dog. I mentioned that I went to see house of flying daggers on Saturday; I didn't mention I got rained on on the way home. I also didn't mention that I had a cold sore.
Then on Sunday I went for a shop after feeling 'like doing nothing at all', and went to dinner with Jo and watched a movie until 2 in the morning. Slept at Jo's then home Monday morning to collapse in my bed in a feverish state with the 'flu that everyone (at work and jo etc) had the week before Mid-Winter Festival.
I proceeded to sleep and wake for 2 hour intervals until, well, Wednesday. Fortunately my fever broke on the Monday, so the rest of the time was spent just feeling terrible, forcing myself to eat, trying to do something about my sinuses and nausea and not hack up a lung.
Left the house for the first time on Thrusday to get a Medical Certificate and then go to work. Hadn't registered with a doctor so went to a place in Paddington station where they charged me £60!!!! but he was a nice guy... He told me to go home, and said he was only allowing me to go to work today (Friday) because I have the weekend to recover.
So I went home and got really bored (there's only so many days I can read/crossword/gameboy in a row without going insane - somehow TV is never ending though, so next time I'm ill I'll have to borrow one)
And now I've managed to come to work, and, now that it's 6, thought I'd catch up on some entries.


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