I've Succumbed
To the lure of the Mac Mini. I've paid my £340 pounds, and a further £280 for a 19 inch monitor and am now very poor, but kinda happy.
(BTW Jo, the above thinking is why it took me soooo long to make my purchase - 43 hours is a lot of my time to spend on something)
- All my developer mentors use Mac
- I am an old Zealot
- It's not that much more expensive than a PC, and much smaller (portable even...)
- Plays DVDs
- MOX is quite mature, and with www.asktog.com's recommendations, usable
- UNIX based - so Ruby et al are working 'natively'
- There's a magazine I just bought with the three Marathon games on it
- I don't need it - will I use it?
- Upgrade sux
- memory is going to cost me anoth £170 when it comes through because there is only one slot
- the memory on the graphics card is not updgradable, and the next version of the OS has special features that would require more than 64Mb....
- I could use the money for
- holidays
- pay back mum and dad
- pay off some of my enormous loan
- invest in another property over here with a friend of Murray's
- a guitar
- I will be enticed to spend money on other, related things (TV tuner for example)
- I am succumbing to the consumer mentality
- I must commit myself to developing my topsecret website, and then getting Murray (you listening?) to launch it for me. Yes Muz, you are the business man and I am a coder.
- I will get involved in the Ruby community, including attending the RubyConf and possibly the OSCon
- I will persue extra-curricular work involving the skillz I will learn in this process.
(BTW Jo, the above thinking is why it took me soooo long to make my purchase - 43 hours is a lot of my time to spend on something)
as long as you didn't spend 43 hours deliberating on the purchase. we (purchasing gurus) recommend spending upto 10% of the value of significant purchases on the planning and procurement phase. so in your case, about 4.3 hours.... (but including transaction costs such as credit card fees and transport) :-)
topsecret website? keep us posted! oh, and sorry to Murray if one of my earlier comments offended. I'm sure we've met somewhere before.... maybe theatresports?
also, thanks for your readership. I may not reply to all of your comments, but I read every one of them.
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